Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Total Freak

I'm obsessed with "Freaks and Geeks." I can't get enough of it. Jason Segel is my hero. James Franco is sexy. Even the creepy cute geeks are wonderful. Where were these people when I was in high school? Mix in Jason and James and sprinkle in a little John Daly (Sam) and you've got my dream guy. All of our names begin with a J, so I think we really do deserve to have a polygamous relationship. I've always wanted to go Mormon.

On another note, I'm working on 4 stories for Vox. The longer of the bunch involves me watching a lot of TV, which is nice.  Freaks and Geeks, though, is extra-curricular, unless you can think of a show that is a copy-cat (or who it copied)- if so, let me know.


  1. Freaks and Geeks is my favorite show ever!

    You should check out the show "Undeclared". It's from the people who made freaks and geeks and its about a bunch of college students during their freshman year. It's pretty amazing stuff.

  2. Hey, thanks Sean, I will check it out.

    Freaks is such a good show! I wish it were never canceled. I wonder if it hadn't been, though, if the actors wold forever be typecast. Maybe we never would've seen Franco shine.
