Sunday, May 17, 2009

Buh-Bye Wisdom Teeth

I got my Wisdom Teeth taken out on Thursday. I was so nervous. I got there at 8:30 AM and made small chat with the nurse lady, which I disliked. Finally, the doctor came in and put an IV in my hand that numbed me. It didn't put me to sleep but it did make me unaware of my surroundings. I do remember breaking out into uncontrollable tears during part of it and I was very embarrassed, but the doctor said that was common.

I've just been lounging at home since then. I've been feeling ill and the Percocet made me puke, but I'm feeling a lot better now. It used to hurt to walk, but it's okay now. I'm still swollen but will hopefully be 100% fine soon.

My mom has been very mom-like during this whole ordeal. She's held my hand and stayed in bed with me. She even offered to skip work Friday to stay with me, but I told her not to. She's been surprisingly sweet and for that I am very grateful. Tracy, my sister, on the other hand, has been a selfish little jerk and not helped. She's been partying with her friends, taking my car, and fighting with Mom. She did bring me ice cream, though, which was nice. She's just annoying and I hope she realizes the errors of her ways soon.

Also, we got a new puppy! He's an 80 pound Mastiff mix and his name is Brutus. I love him. I'll post pics when I take some.

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