Tuesday, May 19, 2009

At least JFK wasn't shot.

Yesterday I went to Blockbuster to rent "Let The Right One In". I have yet to watch it, but I'm pretty excited about it. While I was there, I was eavesdropping on two girls who looked to be my age. Here's what I heard:

"Hey, who's Jack and Bobby?" Girl #1
"What?" Girl #2
"Like, what are they famous for?" 1
"They were politicians or something." 2
"Oh, were they related?" 1
"Yeah, they're cousins." 2. Not quite.
"Really, oh." 1. 
"Actually, I think they're brothers, yeah. One was president and one was shot." not quite right, sweetie. I really wanted to jump in and say something, but as I can't open my mouth wide, can't smile, and was swollen, they'd probably think I were Boo Radly, if they knew who he is.
"Yeah, one was rising in politics and people really liked him, but then he was shot. The other was a president." 2.
"Ah, thanks, I always wondered about that." 1.

I was so astonished! I was like oh my goodness. We were near the "Ts"in the alphabet, so I'm not sure what movie inspired their convo, but i really wanted to hand them a copy of "Bobby".


  1. Hahaha. After that convo I seriously doubt they know who Boo Radly is.

  2. Let me know what you think of let the right one in. I loved it.
