There is one thing, however, that I won't talk about. That is politics. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. Most of the people I've hung out with have always been liberal. Outspoken (the worst kind) liberals. Normally I just nod and smile when they talk or mutter something under my breath or maybe I let out a contemptuous laugh. Most of the time, though, I don't argue. There's no point. I won't change their mind and they won't change mine.
Also, I tend to look stupid when I attempt to argue about politics. I don't know the names of policies, of many leaders and I can't locate a lot of countries. But that's not really why I don't like to talk about it. Most libs think with their emotions and not with their heads, so then they try to twist me into being some sort of a monster.
Or what's worse is when they condescend to me. "oh, Jess, you'll learn some day." "Oh, you poor, misguided thing." Stuff like that makes me seethe. You're the misguided one. Most young people start out Democrats and then realize the error of their ways and switch to the conservative side when they have a family they want to protect. I'm just ahead of the curve.
I took a test on Facebook today to see what kind of Republican I am and it said I was a "Libertarian Republican". I think that's pretty good. It said I like my government to have little interference when it comes to guns, drugs and taxes.
That's true for the most part. Everyone should own a gun. I wouldn't pick a fight with someone if I thought they were packing.
I think marijuana should be legal. If we taxed it we could make a bundle and get out of this Obama induced recession ASAP.
I'm iffy on taxes. I don't think the rich should be taxed more than the poor. It should be a flat rate of like 10% (or whatever the going rate is, I don't know). I feel like the government needs this money to spend on National Defense. Not everyone is created equal. If I were to sneak into Mexico I wouldn't expect to be treated like a Mexican- let's be honest, I'd expect to be treated better, I am an American after all. So that was a bad example. If I snuck into France and tried to take their jobs and leech off their system, then they'd have every right to chase me out with their Minute Men. But if I went through the right procedures and became a legal French citizen then it'd be a different matter.
I'm pro-abortion, despite Horton Hears A Who's attempt to sway me. When I was younger I was very anti-abortion, but now the thought of having a fertilized thing in me makes me want to rollerblade down some stairs.
I think burning the flag should be illegal. It's disgraceful and unpatriotic. I think the Confederate flag is part of the South's heritage and should be waved.
I'm pro-death penalty, but I think it's not harsh enough. I think if you tortured your victims then you should be tortured. I don't think of prison as rehabilitation but as punishment.
I believe in preemptive attacks. If someone has nukes and we think they'll use them then it's time to take them out. It's better to be safe than sorry. I think the people in the military are noble and brave.
I'm torn about sex-ed. I think abstinence should be taught, but it'd be ignorant to not teach about condoms. But if you teach both, it's like saying "don't smoke weed, but if you do, use a bong because it's better." I guess abstinence is the way to go.
I'm very pro-Patriot Act. I don't like Affirmative Action. I don't have an opinion on national healthcare. I can't talk about the gays. Global Warming is a lie meant to distract from the real issues. I don't like Welfare. Animals shouldn't really have rights (pro-abortion but anti-fur wearing? Doesn't make sense). Michael Moore, Al Gore and Sean Penn need new hobbies (though Penn can keep acting).
Though I didn't vote for the President we have now, I won't badmouth him (unless I feel ganged-up on), it's unpatriotic to do so. The people who talked smack about Bush are rude, naiive, and did so because it was the "in" thing to do, or else lack respect. I hate when I see mean bumper stickers. One of my best friends has one that says "When Clinton Lied Nobody Died," ugh.
Also, I hate it when Democrats claim to be open and loving of everyone. That's so not true. The most judgmental people I've known have been Dems. Maybe because they seem to be the majority they think they can say whatever they want and call conservatives mean names and be big bullies. Conservatives have to slink in the shadows, because once we're found out things change. Suddenly we're thought less of and have people trying to convert us to the left.
A lot of the liberals that I know are blinded by their convictions and stubbornly refuse to consider that maybe they're wrong. Maybe the hipster thing isn't always right. I guess that by wearing supportive t-shirts that have only a vague, mildly inspiring quote on them gives the wearers power, like some sort of cult.
I'm sure there are issues I'm missing. But this is my political rant that I thought would never happen.
I also hate talking politics. I agree with you that arguing generally has no point; people's convictions are generally set in stone. If I had to choose I would consider myself quite liberal, but there were a few points of yours that I actually agree with. However, I won't discuss them here for the sake of remaining non-contradictory.
ReplyDeleteI do ask that you not call homosexuals "the gays." Please?
I can see that it might be offensive, but as I don't like being politically correct, I can't change it.
ReplyDeleteP.S- I have gay friends and wouldn't mind at all if they called me "the straighty" or "the non-homo" or "that freak" or whatever creative name that I can't think of.
ReplyDeleteI put that in there because I don't know how I feel about gay marriage and it is a very touchy subject. Remember when that Miss America contestant answered honestly that she didn't believe in it? She was made a big villain.
"Obama induced recession"? I forgot that we were in such good shape before Obama. Sorry, I just had to say that. I love you and I'm glad you stick by your convictions.