Now, I have never personally cooked a shellfish before, but I have heard that you have to put the creature in a cold pot and let it slowly warm up, or else he'll just jump out. I thought this was an interesting observation on the mentality of such a creature. I didn't know they could even jump, but I'm interested in discovering all of their unknown talents.
Anyway, this philosophy applies to me too. If I'm taking a bath and the water's too hot, I can't get in. But once I hope in a lukewarm bath I turn the cold water off and let myself relax in the near-scalding water.
But back to Lobsty. I like to let the shower rain on my back at a medium temperature. Then, I slowly decrease the amount of cold water that comes out. Everything is fine, I can take it, until suddenly it hits me that I'm in bright red pain. Then I snap awake and come to my senses- this is not how I should be playing with myself in the shower.
I make the water go to a more comfortable temp and go back to thinking about things. There's not going to be an insightful concluding paragraph for this entry.
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