Then this bikini-clad girl jumps out from the fog in front of my car. She is covered in mud. And blood. I couldn't make this up if I tried. I thought maybe she was just crossing the parking lot, but nope, she stops and stares at me. Holy shit man, this is freaky. Keep moving girl.
The girl does keep moving- right to my car. I didn't know what to do, so I rolled down the window.
"Do you know where the pool is?"
"Um, no, I don't live here."
"I just need to get to the pool."
"It's gotta be around here somewhere," I tell her, wishing she'd hurry up and leave.
"Can you please take me? I'm covered in mud and I'm bleeding." She was covered in mud, but it was dry mud.
I didn't know what to do. Here's this gross girl, waving a box of cigarettes, asking me for help.
"Sure, hop in," I say. She does. "So why are you all muddy?"
"We were mud-wrestling at the Big Tree and then I woke up in the parking lot." Oh shit.
"Do you live in this complex?"
"I could drop you off at your building instead of the pool if you want."
"No! I have to wash off before I go home." Jesus. So I start moving, and it turns out the pool was at the top of the hill, which is not very far. So I pull over to it.
"Well, we're here," I tell her.
"Can I get out here?"
"Um, I guess, yeah you should." She tries to get out but the door is locked. "Are you going to let me out? Are you going to let me out?"
Her asking this made me feel bad. For whatever reason, I suddenly thought it seemed like I'd kidnapped her, because she couldn't get out.
"Calm down, the door accidentally locked," I said and unlocked it. Then she jumped out to live her life.
At first I was excited. It was such a weird thing to happen. But then I slowly got scared. Why did I let her in? Before I let her in, the door was locked and she couldn't open it, and when that happened I was sure she was a decoy and her thuggy men were going to beat me and steal Chuck, my car. But I still opened the door for her.
Then, after I realized that I'd put myself in harms way, I decided she was a ghost. She was like that hitchhiking ghost girl who died on her way to Prom and hooks rides with people and then disappears. I was sure that was it. I thought she'd marked me like God marked Cain and was going to come back for me.
I called my mom the next day and told her I could've potentially died. She said I should've called the police. I told her that would've been weird. She said "no, it'd have been smart." She said I could've called the police then sat in the car till they got there if I'd wanted.
She later called me and was like "That cop is going to come kidnap you himself now."
"What are you talking about, crackhead?"
"Remember," she said, "when you were almost kidnapped by that Mexican guy and the cop that came to the house told you if you ever opened the door for a stranger he'd get you himself?"
That near-kidnapping story will be saved for my next post.
"I remember the Mexican, but not him saying that. That's creepy."
"I guess, but just think about how he'd feel about this, Jess. He's shaking his head at you now."
Meh, maybe. Anyway, the general consensus is that I should've called the cops, but it does seem more exciting my way. I could've at least called one of the boys and made them help me. But I'm no damsel in need of a hero. I am the hero.
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