Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm back, fools.

It's come to my attention that it has been a month since my last post. This is unacceptable and unforgivable, really. My bad. So I am making you this vow to continue to update this thing. I will blog a little everyday. It shouldn't be that hard- I love to write- but somehow it has proven to be difficult.

I just got back from a week long trip to Baton Rouge. It was fun hanging with my friends and meeting my mother's new Boyfriend, James. It turns out he's cooler than I thought. He's funny, nice, chivalrous, paid for everything, and is taking my mom to Hawaii in February. He is quite the catch, so it seems. Though they all start out good in the beginning.

When I got back last night, Anthony came over with my Christmas presents. I wondered why, as it's not even December, but whatever. I opened them. It was a comforter and the "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Christmas Special." I knew that's what he was giving me, as he told me that's what it was a week ago. I thought maybe it was a diversion, so I'd be really surprised when the real gift came. Nope. I think he wanted me to open them so early so we could use them right away. He doesn't like us fighting over my twin-size comforter and he loves "Always Sunny." Oh well. Maybe I'll tell him to give me a card so I can have something to open when he opens his gifts, which I will give to him as near to Christmas as possible.

Also, on a whim, I dyed my hair just now. It's supposed to be crayon red, but it's a towel drying, so I don't know how it turned out.

I have many stories to catch you up on, but I'm dying to see my hair, so I'm gonna bounce out now. Tomorrow, if not sooner, I'll will make another post. Scout's honor.

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