Sunday, May 24, 2009

Farewell Baton Rouge, remember me fondly.

So, my mom originally wanted me to go back to school today, instead of tomorrow, just in case my teeth start hurting and I have to spend the night. But, as I was busy Friday and Saturday, I neglected my packing duties so I decided to stay in town one last day.

I'm sad to go back to school. I've had fun bonding with my mom and playing with my new pup. But at the same time, I'm ready to go back to the real world. I'm ready to write for Vox, a magazine, and intern at The Missouri Review, a literary journal. Though I really truly do love myself, I'm ready to hit the school's gym. Sports Illustrated named my school's Rec Center the best College Rec Center in America my freshman year, so it's pretty nice. That year, my dorm was literally right beside it and I couldn't muster the enthusiasm to use it. But this  summer I will.

It's been an okay time back at home. I spent most of it in bed being pampered while I recuperated, which is not a bad way to spend some time. Friday night, though, I hung out with my friends and that was pretty nice I guess. We played a drinking card game, sweated in a sauna, I gave out a phone number i don't use, and it was a fun night. I'd still much rather actually go out somewhere than stay in, but it was fine. 

As per one of my previous posts, I won't have any crying eyes seeing me go back to school, so there's not really anything tying me to Baton Rouge. I doubt my mom will even cry, but she's not that type. I'll be bawling my eyes out, but that's only because I'm bad and goodbyes and hate doing them.

I do think that leaving on Memorial Day may be a bad idea, though. I fear the cops will be on high alert for speeders, so I'll have to try to obey the law, which will be hard.

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