Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I've decided that I have to get out of Columbia, like now. It's a fun place and I have friends, but i am in desperate need for a change of scenery. Now that Vox is done and Subway is closed for remodeling, I have nothing to do. Nothing. Many of the people I know haven't come back for school yet, and the ones that are here work a lot. Anthony is in indiana, so here I am, all by my lonesome. Literally, today, I put a Hershey bar in the microwave- still in the wrapper- for roughly 40 seconds until was melted. Then I cut a corner off, grabbed my laptop, hopped in bed and watched "30 Rock" while I sucked the chocolate out. I did all this naked. Yes, my life has come to this.

So I've decided to go home. I need a vacay. I've been here since last August- that's a year! That's the longest amount of time I've ever stayed in one state and it's making me anxious/antsy.

So the predicament is this: when do I come home? I have a work meeting Thursday at 2, which I'm hoping will be done around 3. If I leave at 3, then I won't get home till around 3 AM. I prefer driving at night, but it means I'll have to stop at creepy gas stations all by myself in the wee hours of the morning. That scares me. But I can't live in fear. My mom said I could stop at a hotel, but I'd feel like a pus if I did that.

I could instead leave early Friday morning. I'll be well rested and ready to drive. But then I'll be losing a day of home time.

At the current moment, due to my stir-craziness, I'm thinking I'll leave Thursday after work.


  1. Yes come back! We have a week and a half before we have to go back to school.

  2. yay! I'll let ya know when I'm back in town.
