Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I've decided that I have to get out of Columbia, like now. It's a fun place and I have friends, but i am in desperate need for a change of scenery. Now that Vox is done and Subway is closed for remodeling, I have nothing to do. Nothing. Many of the people I know haven't come back for school yet, and the ones that are here work a lot. Anthony is in indiana, so here I am, all by my lonesome. Literally, today, I put a Hershey bar in the microwave- still in the wrapper- for roughly 40 seconds until was melted. Then I cut a corner off, grabbed my laptop, hopped in bed and watched "30 Rock" while I sucked the chocolate out. I did all this naked. Yes, my life has come to this.

So I've decided to go home. I need a vacay. I've been here since last August- that's a year! That's the longest amount of time I've ever stayed in one state and it's making me anxious/antsy.

So the predicament is this: when do I come home? I have a work meeting Thursday at 2, which I'm hoping will be done around 3. If I leave at 3, then I won't get home till around 3 AM. I prefer driving at night, but it means I'll have to stop at creepy gas stations all by myself in the wee hours of the morning. That scares me. But I can't live in fear. My mom said I could stop at a hotel, but I'd feel like a pus if I did that.

I could instead leave early Friday morning. I'll be well rested and ready to drive. But then I'll be losing a day of home time.

At the current moment, due to my stir-craziness, I'm thinking I'll leave Thursday after work.

Still Alive

It's been a long time since I've posted anything. 

Though I haven't written anything new, that doesn't mean nothing's been happening in my life. Quite the contrary, actually. Here is a list of things I've been up to:

1) A few weeks ago I taught myself to play the guitar.  I can even play the chorus from "My Heart Will Go On." I went to the fair with this guy, Anthony, and he won me a guitar at a bb-gun game. Very impressive. So that was nice. I also got to pet a hog while I was there. Its skin felt like human skin. I didn't know how to feel about that, but it did grunt when I scratched its ear, and I was flattered.

At the fair, I was thisclose to competing in a Figure 8 race with some junkyard cars. It's where you drive old cars in a figure 8 pattern and crash. They announced a Powder Puff race, in which females in the audience could sign up, I reluctantly jumped at the chance. I found a nice boy who was willing to lend me his car, and even got him to let Anthony ride shotgun. Unfortunately, when it came time to race, all the other cars were "busted" so I'd be the only one on the track. We think they just didn't want girls driving.

2) I've gone to an Absinthe party, which is where my friends and I got together and  drank Absinthe. It tastes so gross. Like pure licorice- the black kind, not the yummy Twizzler variety. Though I saw no green fairies, it was still a very fun evening.

3) I've said goodbye to three friends. Ameena and Ben left for Syracuse. Catherine left for (hopefully) Washington D.C.

4) I am officially done with Vox, thank God. While it was fun, I am more than ready to turn in my Steno pad.

5) I've started working at Subway. It's really not a bad job, kind of fun, actually. It's busy (usually) and keeps me on my toes, which I like.

Overall, life has been going very well, scholastically and socially. I'll try to be a better Blogger from now on.